Here are some of my projects:
(Working on making this easier to read, see my resume PDF on home)
Co-Chair of Hack Arizona, 2023 - Present In 2023, I Planned, organized, and executed the return of the university’s only student-led Hackathon. Presented a workshop to students about the Pygame library. Currently, I manage a team of 10+ members, raising and managing a budget of $50,000. Our next event is March 22-23, 2025. Meet weekly in person to assign and discuss tasks using Microsoft Teams and Zoom. I primarily oversee the Finance and Schedule sub-teams, solicited sponsors and both corporate and university partners, scheduling workshops and presentations. Invite and schedule corporate mentors, judges, and volunteers.
FPGA Mips Processor (Verilog, C++, Assembly) – Contributed to a processor design through FPGA based implementation of a full scale pipelined datapath and tradeoff analysis on the joint effects of the hardware-, software-, and instruction set architecture- design realms. On a team of 3, designed, implemented and validated a five-stage pipelined datapath for the MIPS 32-bit ISA on the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA. Implemented a video processing algorithm in MIPS ISA and executed on the FPGA based emulation of the pipelined processor on the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA.
Personal Finance System (Python, GitLab, Django, Jira, SonarQube) – On a team of 4, designed, implemented, tested a personal finance system in an Agile DevSecOps environment. Deployed the system via Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline on GitLab.
Pharmacy Management System (Java, Python, Flask, Jama) – On a team of 4, designed, implemented, and tested a front-end GUI and back-end Database for a Pharmacy Management System.
Product Development Management System (Python, Django) – On a team of 5, Designed, implemented, and tested a product development management system, similar to Jama or Jira.
Alien Invasion Game, Semester project (Class 2nd place) – Designed, tested, and presented a video game using Pygame. The project won second place, in part due to my attention to detail, overall aesthetic vision, and inclusion of extra gameplay features, such as a time-recharging battery for the spaceship.
Texas Instruments x IEEE PCB project, Team lead – Working with mentors from TI, I led a team to design a Printed Circuit Board in Altium, solder, test the finished boards using a DAQ. The PCB is an educational device commissioned by Dr. Hetherington from the College of Engineering to teach students about the different kinds of diodes, without having to manually swap parts out of a breadboard. The project was a success, and we completed soldering the board prototype this past summer. To continue the project, we will author a post-project report about our experiences, and this semester, we will design a new PCB, collaborating with the K7UAZ radio club to create a radio receiver.
Multimeter – Using the Arduino IDE, programmed an Elegoo Uno to measure Voltage, Resistance, Current, and Capacitance using 4 circuits implemented on a breadboard. The project was a success, and every functionality works as intended. In the future, I would like to design and solder a PCB specifically for these circuits, and design and 3D print a case for the multimeter.
Personal Website – You found it! Designed a personal website to host my resume. Implemented using Flask, and hosted on Microsoft Azure.
ChatGPT API Chatbot – Designed a personal AI chatbot that connects to the OpenAI API.